Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher said, as far back as the sixth Century BC, "It is in changing that things find purpose." Do you want to change or do you want to keep driving a Volkswagen and pretending it is a Porsche? You are the only person who can make it happen. Read on...
Posts tagged as “Self-Help”
New ideas can take time to get used to. When we first hear the idea we may not be ready for it. That is fine. When you are ready the idea will sprout and grow and be there for you.
Negative influences are all around and can have a dramatic effect on your self esteem. Don't let unchecked people and circumstances pull you down. Here are 6 tips on how to minimize your exposure and how to concentrate on positive influences and as a starter guide for self improvement.
If you are a long-time smoker and wish to stop smoking, the following guidelines may be of use in quitting the habit. Smoking has long-term health hazards, as reported in news clips and reports. The habit however is a personal decision, and it all depends on how determined a person is, and what level of abstinence can be practiced in order to stop smoking.
It's quite amazing how many people go through their lives with very little thought as to where they are heading with it.
This is a question that most people grapple with from time to time and it has largely been on my mind this past week.
Everyone has the capabilities to grow and evolve spiritually. Once you are on this path you will experience life differently. You won稚 be looking for others to make your life better; you will understand that it is up to you. You decide weather to be happy or not.