article about self help and the manifestation of life
Posts tagged as “Self-Help”
Weve all heard it, felt it, sensed it, experienced it and dealt with it in some way or another, its FEAR! You know False Evidence Appearing Real!! The question is, how are you going to handle it now and forever?
When we grow up to be adults we are socialized to believe that exuberance should be contained and managed. Along the way we get the exuberance knocked out of us. Exuberance, however, is not to be quashed, but celebrated and appreciated.
If your goal is to reach a solution and create a win/win outcome, arguing isn't the route to take. Instead the best way to reach a collaborative conclusion is to ask questions.
As we grow, we do so in fits and starts, lurching forward then back, sometimes looking more like clowns than seekers. Learn to keep the progress you make.
Discover how to make your own good luck. Not the kind of luck that will enable you to win a fortune in some casino, but real luck the kind of luck that puts you in the right place at the right time to achieve what you set out to achieve
It is tempting to retreat to safety and comfort when challenges and difficulties arise. To avoid turning around and abandoning your goals, you must make going forward more compelling then going back.
article about self help and the manifestation of life