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Posts tagged as “social anxiety”

Overcoming Separation Anxiety Disorder

The article is about Separation Anxiety Disorder or SAD. It talks about the symptoms for the said disorder and its difference from the separation anxiety per se. The article also cites and explains the early signs of SAD among children.Treatments for the said disorder are also noted within the article.

On anxiety and dating

The article is about a pre-dating scenario that is filled with a feeling of anxiety. The article also discusses different kinds of dates, social anxiety, and how to address the problem of getting anxious when meeting new people.

Jacketed General Anxiety Disorder

The term "Anxiety disorder" has become a jacket term, covering many unique forms of abnormal anxiety, fears, phobias and nervous conditions. All of these conditions come on suddenly and prevent an individual from continuining daily routines.

Is Social Anxiety Holding You Back?

Another year, another New Years resolution ... if only this time it could be different?

Do you feel overwhelmed by both your own and others expectations for the festive period? Does the forthcoming prospect of social gatherings make you feel uncomfortable?

If you could wave a magic wand for a new years wish and change something about yourself what would it be?

Deep down you may wish to go to parties and other social events. You may feel very lonely, but you probabl...

How To Reduce Anxiety

At some level, all of us experience at different stages of life. Quite often it's a circumstantial anxiety due to a feeling of being out of control, dissatisfied with life circumstances, worried that something bad or worse will happen, or a general feeling of not dealing well with uncertainty. So anxiety is a normal feeling for many, and even a normal sign of being human.

But for many anxiety has become a dominant force in their life, one that affects their self-esteem, co...

How to Identify Social Anxiety in Teens

Social anxiety or social phobia affects different kinds of people, including teens. Although largely unrecognized, people with social phobia exhibit signs that can clue you in on their condition. This article discusses several symptoms that can help you identify social phobia especially in your children.

Does social anxiety lead to depression?

This article talks about social anxiety, and how people deal with it. It describes certain situations that socially anxious people encounter, and how they react to such. Some are misdiagnosed and therefore getting depressed. Proper therapy and help from family members are ways in lessening social anxiety.

Dealing with social anxiety

A situation that defines and leads to social anxiety; misconceptions on the disorder; being shy and how it is as a main factor on feeling socially anxious; factors on the probable causes of social anxiety; how anxiety medication can help; how a person can help himself without use of prescription drugs.
