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Posts tagged as “spiritual growth”

The Gift of Gratitude

Surprise! The Season of Giving isn’t over. As a matter of fact, it’s just begun! During 2006, you can come right here to receive 5…

Sweet Surrender

“Thy Will (not mine) be done,” when truly embraced, will create the opening for Spirit to reveal a realm of choices and opportunities impossible for…

Simple Ways to Have Happy Experiences

It’s the dream of many to live happy and contented lives. The truth is that life happens and with the good comes the not so good. Some become skilled at getting into the zone and ride the wave of life learning from each wave that washes over them. Others live life with a ‘que sera sera’ (whatever will be, will be) accepting kind of attitude. Then there are those who find themselves in the dark place and need a little guidance to again see the light.
