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Posts published in “Anxiety”

Trouble Spotting the Symptoms of Anxiety

The symptoms of anxiety are very easy to spot, but unfortunately, there are also very easy to ignore, even for experts and professionals. The core of the problem lies in how hard it is for anyone, even a mental health professional, to discern the symptoms of anxiety from the usual signs that someone is afraid or nervous.

Treating Anxiety Creatively

Emotional disturbances such as anxiety, stress, and depression are the result of distress on one's own thoughts and emotions. One way to get back in touch or restore peace to a person’s thoughts and emotions is through the use of art. This article is all about art therapy. It provides a person with an opportunity to achieve personal growth through improved self-awareness, and to resolve unresolved emotional conflicts.

Tips on Overcoming Separation Anxiety

Being away from you and staying in an unfamiliar place makes your child prone to separation anxiety. This can cause him stress and make him more clingy when you have to leave. This article explores ways on how you can help ease the anxiety felt by your child with simple and practical tips.
