The healthbenefits associated with regular exercise are numerous. Specifically, exercisecan help prevent heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, backpain, osteoporosis. In addition, it can help fight depression as well aspromote improved stress management.
To maximize your overall health benefits, experts typically recommend that youperform 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity three or more times a week andsome type of muscle strengthening activity and stretching at least twice aweek. However, you can also achieve significant health benefits by completing30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity a day, at least fivetimes a week.
If you are just beginning an exercise program, starting at a slow pace withlow-impact activities such as walking or swimming will allow you to improveyour physical fitness level while safeguarding you from unwanted overuseinjuries and burnout. Once you get in better shape, you can gradually integratemore strenuous and varied activities into your routine.
Positive Impact of Physical Activity
According to the U.S. Surgeon General, regular physical activity reduces therisk of developing or dying from some of the leading causes of illness anddeath in the United States. Further, regular exercise effectively:
Reduces the risk of dying from heart disease.
Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure.
Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already Have high blood pressure.
Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.
Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety.
Helps control weight.
Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about withoutfalling.
Promotes psychological well-being.
The health benefits of exercise can be achieved by virtually everyone,regardless of age, sex, race or physical ability. Therefore, if you want tofeel better, have more energy and live longer, simply follow a program ofregular, moderate exercise and enjoy a better quality of life.

Exercise: Definition and Benefits
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