Did you know thateverything that gets you moving can and will contribute to your health-fromwalking to a high-intensity aerobics class?
Research shows that regular exercise can lower the risk of coronary heartdisease, stroke, non-insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus, high bloodpressure and certain cancers. And exercise helps people manage a great numberof other health issues, including depression and anxiety, arthritis,osteoporosis and maybe even dementia. Experts say that it may even help slowthe aging process. And it makes you feel good!
The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), thenonprofit association for the fitness industry, reminds people that anyphysical activity is better than none. The health benefits from physicalactivity are cumulative. The most important thing is getting started. So getmoving-whether that means taking the stairs, parking farther out or walking ona treadmill. Newcomers to physical activity should start slowly and graduallywork up to exercising for longer periods of time.
For many Americans, taking those first steps toward building the exercise habitcan be difficult and intimidating. So during the month of May, participatinghealth clubs will open their doors for several days to the public, free ofcharge, so more Americans can benefit from the safe, supportive, and enjoyableenvironments that health clubs offer. It’s part of the IHRSA-organized GetActive America! program to encourage more Americans to exercise for theirhealth.
Whether you’re a senior, a mid-lifer, a 20-something or a teen, there’s ahealth club that can provide you with the support you need to create a workableexercise routine that fits your life. There’s a network of professionals acrossthe country eager to help.
Remember: It’s never too late, and it’s never too little to enjoy the benefitsof exercise. Do it for your health!

Exercise: Your Good Health Is Counting On It
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