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Posts tagged as “anxiety”

Help For Social Anxiety And Phobia

Certainly social anxiety & phobia is indeed a complex isssue. People with social anxiety disorders have the following features: -

Fear that everyones attention is on them and everybody is watching them; Fear that they will make a blunder and everybody will be aware of it.

They are underestimated by thinking that everybody in this world is more capable than they are.

People with social anxiety disorder will feel anxiety and this same anxiety may lead to nausea, a sink...

First Aid In The Event Of An Anxiety Attack

Some statistics say that everyone undergoes an anxiety attack at least once in their lifetimes, but they often don't have any idea how to handle it beyond calling the hospital emergency room. The truth is that there are a few things that people can do to help themselves if they experience an attack. There are also some things that other people can do to help someone facing

an attack.

Factors That Cause Public Speaking Anxiety

In a survey done by Dr. Laurie Rozakis, author of Idiots Guide to Public Speaking, it was found that many people are scared to speak before a group. It is the number one fear among Americans, "--and the number 6 is fear of death," according to Dr. Rozakis.

Even the most experienced speaker gets anxious when speaking in public. However, this fear can be controlled so that you can put your fear to your advantage. This topic teaches us why people are nervous when speaking in ...

Eliminate Stress and Anxiety From Your LIfe–Become Resilient!

Dr. Adrianne Ahern teaches you how to Snap Out of your emotional reactions to your life situations and become resilient! By breathing away negativity, you will quickly find your purpose in life and finally say goodbye to the unwanted visitors in your happy homes耀tress, overwhelm, anxiety, depression, anger and feelings of unworthiness.

Eat Healthy and Be Free from Anxiety

Studies have shown that having a healthy diet may reduce signs and symptoms of anxiety. One can relieve tension and manage stress better by what a person do and don't eat. This article focuses on changing the diet plans of a person so he or she can live anxiety-free.
