This article talks about how people normally experience stress and anxiety in their everyday activities. Feelings of stress can cause a number of ill effects such as poor decision-making, irritability, and even memory loss. Prolonged exposure to these stressful situations can cause more permanent and psychological problems to occur.
Posts tagged as “anxiety”
What is Stress?
To understand the need for stress management, we must first understand stress. When a person is in danger, the body reacts, preparing to defend itself. The heart rate increases, blood pressure climbs higher, breathing becomes faster and blood flows to the muscles. This is great if a fierce dog is chasing you, because it gives you additional energy to get out of harm痴 way. Unfortunately, the body reacts in the same way in response to daily problems and cha...
The article talks about the common problems that can be encountered by individuals who work during the evening. Working at night may cause reduction of the body's serotonin levels. Individuals with low serotinin levels may feel tired, stressed, and depressed.
I知 in a continual state of alert regarding so-called cures for stress, depression and anxiety. I want to be aware of any new breakthroughs that happen and I also want to be equally aware of new solutions that simply offer false hope. Snake oils and magic bullets are offered to sufferers by the dozen, offering plenty of hope but little in terms of a permanent cure.
Snake oils and magic bullets are always associated with forms of quackery. More often than not it will be die...
Unfortunately, stress is an every day fact for most of u these days. Learn to relax before stress takes over.
Stress is everywhere, we know its unhealthy, and we know the conditions it can lead to. Many of us feel we really should do something about it, but the trouble with stress is when were in its grip its difficult to do much about anything.
Meditation, relaxation and visualisation are the standard recommendations for reducing stress, and they are all beneficial and useful to us in many ways, however, they are not so easy to put into use when stress strikes with its disru...
Every human being is an emotional being. The levels of emotions may be high or low. But when that level is disturbed, you have stress and anxiety. The dividing line between these two negative tendencies is very thin. Your anxiety may be due to stress or your stress may be due to anxiety. Every stress and anxiety has a root cause to it. And the symptoms are the by products of such causes.
The first symptom of stress is that you are not a normal person, when you are seized w...
About a quarter of all people who visit their doctor or medical health practitioner complain about feeling tired, run down or exhausted. Often an underlying health issue is the cause and their body is using all of its available energy to combat the disease process which is the cause of the health issue.
However, what if you are in general good health and still suffer from a lack of energy? What steps can you take to improve your energy safely and naturally?