As a counselor, I am often asked, Can drugs be helpful for anxiety and depression? The answer I give is Yes and No.
Yes, drugs may be useful for short-term help. No, drugs are not a good long-term solution.
As a counselor, I am often asked, Can drugs be helpful for anxiety and depression? The answer I give is Yes and No.
Yes, drugs may be useful for short-term help. No, drugs are not a good long-term solution.
Our society today can often be very overwhelming and it is important to make your anxiety is in check as well as any other issues that you may have going on at the time. Anxiety is felt by everyone at some time in their life, like when giving a speech or going on a job interview. For people with severe anxiety, it is much worse and is felt on a constant basis. People with anxiety issues often experience some or all of the following symptoms: extreme fear, abnormal phobias, he...
The articles is about Poker, a very popular card game that is played in casinos, slot machines, and even on-line. Discussed in the article are the roots and plays of poker, including the stress and anxiety experienced by the players.
The physical symptoms of anxiety and stress can be quite detrimental to ones health. Unfortunately, many people may be so stressed that they do not realize the extent of it or the impact the stress and anxiety is having on their health. In some cases, the more stress or anxiety an individual experiences the less able they are to recognize it. Quite frequently in these situations the individual may have even become so accustomed to their level of stress, and the physical symp...
The article talks about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), one of the most common types of anxiety disorders. Apart from defining and differentiating OCD from other types of anxiety disorders, the article also discusses the known symptoms and treatments for the said condition.
Anxiety disorders can have a devastating effect on those who suffer from them. Left untreated, anxiety disorders often inhibit an individual痴 ability to function normally in everyday life. Anxiety disorder may also be a source of additional tension caused by the strain the condition places on personal and professional relationships.
This article is about anxiety attacks
Emotional disturbances such as anxiety, stress, and depression are the result of distress on one's own thoughts and emotions. One way to get back in touch or restore peace to a persons thoughts and emotions is through the use of art. This article is all about art therapy. It provides a person with an opportunity to achieve personal growth through improved self-awareness, and to resolve unresolved emotional conflicts.