Worries and anxieties are part of our life. The difference between us is our response to any event. The cause may be common, but the response may vary widely.
Posts tagged as “anxiety”
This form of school-related stress hounds the kindergarten pupil as much as the Ivy League scholar. Test anxiety is when a student becomes so nervous about taking an examination that he can no longer perform well. This is actually a type of performance anxiety that prevents a student from reading and writing the right answers to a test. Sometimes, a little anxiety can serve as a motivation for a student to prepare and study harder for an upcoming examination. But if it already creates a paralyzing effect and disrupts daily routine, it may already be a case that must be referred to the academic supervisor or to the school psychologist.
Stress and anxiety levels in teenagers have drastically increased over the last few decades. As the responsibilities of the world around them lay on their shoulders heavier, more and more teens are facing health problems both on the physical and on the emotional sides. As a parent, it is hard to handle these conditions or often even know that your teens are facing them. Many times, it is easy to chalk up the teenage stress and anxiety a child is facing as just normal teen pro...
The confines of modern civilization can sometimes put so much pressure on a person that the only viable option to fight it would be to get as far away as possible.Taking nature trips can be a good way to help fight off problems like anxiety, stress, and depression.However,before going on one,it is advisable that preparations be made and the location of the trip be selected carefully.
Stress and anxiety aren't just unpleasant. They are killers. Fortunately there are things you can do to reduce them.
This article is about stopping anxiety attacks
Learn to live your life without the pressures of fear, anxiety or phobia. Uncover articles and information that will help your conquer your fears and phobias for good. Whether you have a phobia or know someone close to you that maybe anxious or fearful then this article is sure to be of interest to you.
Aside from the expensive treatments that are commonly recommended by doctors and health practitioners to patients suffering from anxiety disorders, there are also non-costly methods that can help stop anxiety attacks. This article enumerates those self-help tips and explains how they can help one cope with extreme conditions of anxiety.