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Posts tagged as “goal-setting”

Receive To Give

Sometimes in order to give something to someone you have to allow yourself to receive something from it. Discover this powerful secret for giving a wonderful gift to someone.

A Century of Hope

What would one initially think about someone who dropped out of school at the age of 16? Would there be any hope for this person? This person is Bob Hope. Comedian Bob Hope starred in over 50 movies and lived past the age of 100 years old.

You Make Me Feel

Do you spend your life feeling things because of what the people around you say and do? Discover how you can take charge of your life and your emotions and life a powerful life.

If You’ll … Then I’ll …

There are frequently hidden and unspoken contracts behind actions that you may not be consciously aware of, but affect your life. If you are in a relationship you may say "If you bring me flowers, I'll feel loved" or something similar. Discover more about these hidden contracts and how you can break them.

Choosing Happiness

Ever heard someone say,”…so-in-so is great, but I’m just not happy?” Or have you ever wondered why you just couldn’t seem to find happiness? Read on to learn how you can choose to be happy.

Choosing Happiness

  Ever heard someone say,”…so-in-so is great, but I’m just not happy?” Or have you ever wondered why you just couldn’t seem to find happiness?…
