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Posts published in “Stress, Mental Health, and Emotional Development”

Dive into the world of mental wellness, covering topics from stress management to emotional intelligence. Uncover strategies to foster resilience, mental health, and emotional well-being for a balanced life.

Alzheimers Facts

Getting the facts when you or a person that you know is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease is so important. There are so many things to…

Anti Aging Herbs For Memory

It has been estimated that by the year 2020 senility and Alzheimer’s disease will affect 14 million Americans. With the birth of the baby boomers,…

Anti Aging Herbs For The Heart

Cayenne Pepper. Dr. John Christopher, a famous natural healer, praised the use of Cayenne throughout the time of his practice. He once stated that in…

Alzheimer Disease – The Coming Epidemic

Few diseases scare us as much as Alzheimer’s does. Alzheimer’s disease robs the victim of memory and thinking, and the sense of self, leaving behind…


One of my many favorite sayings is: *My body lives in 2008, but the rest of me lives in the 1950’s!* The reason my body…

Age Has A Whole New Meaning Today

In generations past, exercise was believed to be mostly for the younger set. It was even believed that older people couldn’t increase muscle mass or…

7 Effective Brain-boosting Tips

Aging is inevitable and everybody is bound to grow old. However, senility does not apply to everyone. You can still grow old gracefully, with your physical…
