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Posts published in “Stress, Mental Health, and Emotional Development”

Dive into the world of mental wellness, covering topics from stress management to emotional intelligence. Uncover strategies to foster resilience, mental health, and emotional well-being for a balanced life.

About Face: The Facts on Facials

A French massage text from 1907 describes a treatment invented by Dr. Jacquet which included a vigorous repetitive mobilization of the facial skin. Nearly a century ago,…

5 Things You Need To Do After You Retire

Although you no longer have to worry about going to work every day, you can still find many ways to keep yourself busy. Many people…

4 Easy Steps To Look Younger When 40+

After following these 4 easy steps you will definitely look younger. If you don’t look younger after following these steps correctly, you better look at…

When Depression Takes Its Toll

The article deals with the experience of the famous writer Ernest Hemingway with severe depression and his eventual suicide. Specifcally, the article discusses the possible causes of Hemingway's depression and the events in his life that could have contributed to his mental and physical illness.

What Should You Know About Depression Test?

As depression has the ability to affect our lives badly, there should be early warning symptoms that can indicate whether we do have some form of depression disorder. We need to be able to differentiate between normal depression which passes in a few days to depression disorders which last for sometimes months or years on end. There are a number of depression test sites that you can investigate on the internet.

While these tests can indicate if you are suffering from depre...

What Causes Depression?

Usually in our adolescence, we are exposed to many sudden and inexplicable mood swings as a result of our body undergoing various hormonal changes that prepare us for adulthood.

Aside from increased social pressures, the onset of menstruation, for example, introduces adolescent girls to premenstrual tension (or premenstrual syndrome) and the menstrual cramps, the former being a mixture of physical and psychological symptoms, including temporary weight gain, fluid retention...

Depression Treatment

Finding the right Depression Treatment Depression or prolonged sadness is actually quite common in the United States, around 9.5 percent of the American population actually…
