Professionals often spend significantly more time at the office than at home. So much so that there is always a generous amount of single men…
Posts tagged as “dating”
If you want to know how to impress your date, and develop a successfule relationship, read on! If you are a guy: Be polite! As…
Organising a party can be a stressful affair, organising catering, venue, entertainments etc. coupled with the stress of formulating a strategy that will get all…
The narcissist is the guru at the centre of a cult. Like other gurus, he demands complete obedience from his flock: his spouse, his offspring,…
To all appearances, the compulsive giver is an altruistic, empathic, and caring person. Actually, he or she is a people-pleaser and a codependent. The compulsive…
You have been getting trough a brake-up a while ago. During a break-up your primary focus is on your ex, what could have happened, what…
Relationships are difficult to sustain. Very few relationships sustain for long with both partners totally happy. Most people carry through a relationship without any joy.…
After the initial euphoria of love gets over, lovers start thinking about what troubles them. For example, your partner may always be coming late to…