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Posts tagged as “meditation”

Who Am I?

Who am I? We don't ask the question often. There is a meditation that asks us to look at this, to recognize what we are not, and to suffer less.

Guided Meditation To Make You Whole

Guided meditation is a form of stress relief that is conducive to relaxing the whole body, in part by finding a way of peaceful and calming relaxation from within the body. Guided meditation may utilize soothing photographs or scenarios to enhance the ability of the mind to relax and guide the body to a point of relaxation so that the person in meditation can find a true sense of inner peace. Quite often, guided meditation will be accompanied by soft music or sounds of nature...

Simple Ways to Have Happy Experiences

It’s the dream of many to live happy and contented lives. The truth is that life happens and with the good comes the not so good. Some become skilled at getting into the zone and ride the wave of life learning from each wave that washes over them. Others live life with a ‘que sera sera’ (whatever will be, will be) accepting kind of attitude. Then there are those who find themselves in the dark place and need a little guidance to again see the light.

Healing the Hidden Self by Examining the Mind

Deep in the cavities of the mind is your subliminal channel that circles the subconscious, conscious and unconscious mind. In this region of the brain is the area where the psyche resides and holds hidden messages that when explored one can discover answers.

Using learning techniques you can extract from this area of the mind and have it assist you with discovering messages from your past that you can use to put the pieces of the puzzle together that will make you a whole person....

Facing Problems in Healing the Hidden Self

If a challenging situation happens in an individual痴 life when he or she begins to develop negative thoughts. When this happens, the person often starts to blame self or others, which the self-denial could result to an emotionally disturbance.

Into the bargain, energy, strength and dynamism are all arrivals from the conscious mind, yet when disturbances develop, these dynamic energies start to flop. Today, the charts are overriding the count of people that deal with emotional problems th...
